Frequently Asked Questions

Popular questions about HVAC filters and belts are listed below.
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Rigid Box Filters

    A rigid box air filter is a type of air filter that is made from a sturdy, rigid material, such as galvanized metal or plastic. It is designed to fit tightly into the air ducts and is mainly used in commercial spaces, keeping out dust and other airborne particles, while allowing air to flow freely. The rigid box air filter is typically more effective than a standard disposable filter and can last much longer, making it a more cost-effective option than standard panel filters.

    A box filter is a type of air filter that is made from a sturdy, rigid material, such as galvanized metal or plastic. It is designed to fit tightly into the air ducts and is mainly used in commercial spaces, keeping out dust and other airborne particles, while allowing air to flow freely. The rigid box air filter is typically more effective than a standard disposable filter and can last much longer, making it a more cost-effective option.

    A box filter is a type of air filter that is made from a sturdy, rigid material, such as galvanized metal or plastic. It is designed to fit tightly into the air ducts and is mainly used in commercial spaces, keeping out dust and other airborne particles, while allowing air to flow freely. The rigid box air filter is typically more effective than a standard disposable filter and can last much longer, making it a more cost-effective option.

    1. Reduced Maintenance: Box air filters require little to no maintenance and are very easy to install and replace.
    2. Improved Air Quality: Box air filters provide excellent filtration and can help reduce allergy and asthma symptoms.
    3. Cost Savings: Box air filters are generally more cost-effective than other types of filters and can help reduce energy costs by allowing more air to flow through the system.
    4. Long-Lasting: Box air filters are very durable and can last for more than 1 year.
    5. Easy to Install: Box air filters are designed to fit most standard-sized air ducts, making them easy to install.

    The length of time between changing your box filter will depend on the quality of the filter and the type of water that is being filtered. Generally, it is recommended to change the filter every 6-12 months.

HVAC Filters

    HVAC filters should be changed at least every three months or as needed. If the filter looks visibly dirty, it should be changed immediately. Determining if a filter needs to be changed can also be based on when the resistance of the air filter reached the recommended maximum pressure drop recommended by the manufacturer. Gauges to determine pressure drop are most often found on larger commercial systems.

    An HVAC air filter is a device that is used to capture airborne particles and contaminants from the air that passes through your air conditioning or heating system. The filter traps particles such as pollen, dust, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens, which can help improve the air quality in your home or business.

    One tell-tale sign that your HVAC air filter is bad is if you notice a decrease in air flow coming from your vents. You should also check the filter to see if it is visibly dirty or clogged with dust and debris. If it is, it’s time to replace the filter. You should also check the filter monthly and replace it every 1-3 months, depending on the type of filter you have.

    The cost of an HVAC air filter depends on the size and type of filter. Basic disposable filters typically range from $2 to $10 each, while higher-efficiency filters can cost up to $20 or more.

    If an HVAC filter is not changed, the filter will become clogged with dirt, dust, and other contaminants. This can reduce airflow, cause the HVAC system to work harder, and reduce its efficiency. It can also lead to poor indoor air quality, as dirt and dust particles can be released into the air. Additionally, the air filter can become a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and bacteria if it is not changed regularly.

    Changing the HVAC air filter can make a difference in several ways. It helps to keep the indoor air clean, reduce allergens and pollutants, and improve the efficiency of the HVAC system. It also helps to extend the life of the system and reduce energy costs. Additionally, if the filter is clogged, it can reduce air flow and potentially cause damage to the HVAC system.

    Yes, an HVAC system can run without an air filter, but it is not recommended. Without an air filter, the system will draw in dust and allergens from the air, which can reduce the air quality and cause damage to the system's components over time.

    No, cleaning your AC filter will not make it colder. The filter helps to keep the AC unit clean and running efficiently, but it does not directly affect the temperature produced by the unit. The temperature is regulated by the thermostat and the AC compressor.

    If a HVAC filter is dirty, it can cause a number of problems. The most serious issue is that it can restrict airflow, causing the system to become less efficient and potentially overheat. This can also cause dust, dirt, and other airborne particles to get circulated through the home, leading to poor indoor air quality. Additionally, a dirty filter can cause dust and debris to build up in the system, leading to further problems.

    The rate at which your HVAC filters get dirty depends on a few factors, such as the amount of air being circulated, the type of filter you have, and the amount of contaminants in your air. If you are in an area with higher levels of dust, pollen, and other contaminants, your HVAC filters will likely need to be changed more often. Additionally, if you have pets or smoke in the home, the filters will get dirtier more quickly.

    No, it is not recommended that you change the air filter while the air conditioner is running. Doing so could lead to system damage, and it could also cause air quality issues due to the disruption of the air flow. Additionally, changing the air filter while the air conditioner is running can also be dangerous, as you could be exposed to electrical shocks.

    AC filters should be cleaned or changed at least every three months, or more often if needed.

    The steps for changing the air filter in an HVAC unit will vary depending on the type and model of unit you have. Generally, the steps to follow are:

    1. Locate the air filter: The air filter is usually located in the return air duct of the HVAC system.
    2. Remove the old filter: Remove the old filter from the unit and dispose of it properly.
    3. Install the new filter: Insert the new filter into the unit and make sure it is properly secured.
    4. Close the unit: Close the unit and make sure all connections and seals are secure.
    5. Turn on the unit: Turn on the unit and make sure it is working properly.

    The number of filters an HVAC unit has depends on the type and size of the unit. Generally, residential HVAC systems have one to four filters. Commercial HVAC units usually have four or more filters, depending on the size and complexity of the system.

    If the HVAC air filter is installed backwards, the system will not be able to properly filter the air. This will cause the system to be less efficient and can potentially cause damage to the system over time. It is important to always check the direction of the filter before installing it.

    No, HVAC filters are not universal; they come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so it's important to make sure you get the right size for your particular system.


    An HVAC V-belt is a belt used to transfer power from the engine to the components of the HVAC system. The belt is made of a rubber material and wraps around pulleys on the crankshaft of the motor and the components of the HVAC system. As the motor rotates, the belt rotates the pulleys, thereby providing power to the components. The component is typically a fan to move air through the HVAC system. The belt is designed to be strong and flexible and must be replaced periodically to ensure its efficiency.

    1. Aramid V-Belts: Aramid V-belts are reinforced with aramid fibers, which provide superior tensile strength and increased flexibility, allowing them to be used in applications requiring high speed, high power, and/or long life.
    2. Cogged V-Belts: Cogged V-belts feature multiple cogs along the belt’s length that allow for improved flexibility and power transmission, making them ideal for high-speed, high power applications.
    3. Multi-Rib V-Belts: Multi-Rib V-belts feature multiple ribs along the belt’s length that allow for improved flexibility, making them ideal for applications requiring a greater load capacity.
    4. Synchronous V-Belts: Synchronous V-belts feature flat edges that run in a continuous loop, providing a strong grip and virtually no slip. They are ideal for applications requiring precise timing and positioning.

    Cogged and Muilti-Rib V-Velts are most commonly used in HVAC applications.

    The most accurate way to measure for the correct size V-Belt is to use a V-Belt measuring tool. This tool consists of two parts: a belt measuring gauge and a belt pitch gauge. The belt measuring gauge is used to measure the outside circumference of the V-Belt, while the belt pitch gauge is used to measure the pitch of the belt. Once you have the circumference and the pitch measurements, you can then look up the correct size V-Belt in a V-Belt Cross Reference chart.

    1. Worn or Damaged Pulleys: When the pulleys become worn or damaged due to wear and tear, it can cause the V-belt to slip, leading to failure.
    2. Misalignment: Misalignment of the pulleys can cause the V-belt to rub against the sides of the pulleys, leading to excessive wear and tear, and eventual failure.
    3. Poor Tension: If the V-belt is too loose, it will slip, leading to failure. If it is too tight, it will cause excessive wear and tear, leading to failure.
    4. Incorrect Size: If the V-belt is too large or too small for the application, it will not be able to distribute the load correctly, leading to failure.
    5. Contamination: Dirt, oil, and other contaminants can cause the belt to slip, leading to failure.
    6. Age: As V-belts age, they become brittle and can crack or break, leading to failure.

    It is recommended to change V-belts preventatively at least once a year. Critical environments may require V-belts to be changed more frequently to prevent the risk of down time.

    V-belts should be replaced when they are worn, cracked, frayed, or glazed. Additionally, if the V-belt is stretched beyond a certain point, it should be replaced. It is important to note that a V-belt should be replaced before it fails, as a failed V-belt can cause damage to other components in the system.

    It is generally recommended that you hire an HVAC professional to replace a V-belt. Replacing a V-belt requires knowledge of the specific type and size of belt required for your system. Additionally, a professional will be able to identify any other issues that may be present with your HVAC system.

    1. Inspect V-belts regularly for signs of wear, such as fraying or cracking.
    2. Check the tension of the V-belts. Proper tension is important for proper performance and to avoid premature wear.
    3. Lubricate V-belts with light machine oil as needed.
    4. Check the alignment of the pulleys to ensure that they are properly aligned to prevent misalignment and premature wear.
    5. Replace worn or damaged V-belts as soon as possible.
    6. Use only manufacturer-approved replacement V-belts.
    7. Consider using a belt guard to protect the belts from dirt and debris.

    1. Make sure the V-belts are the correct size for the HVAC unit.
    2. Keep the V-belts clean and free of debris.
    3. Tighten the V-belts to the correct tension.
    4. Inspect the drive and idler pulleys for any wear or damage.
    5. Replace worn or damaged pulleys.
    6. Replace worn or stretched V-belts.
    7. Make sure the V-belts are properly aligned on the pulleys.
    8. Use a belt dressing on the V-belts to help reduce slipping.

    1. Always wear protective gear, such as safety glasses and gloves, when working with V-belts.
    2. Ensure that the V-belt is the correct size and type for the application.
    3. Check that the V-belt is properly aligned and tensioned.
    4. Make sure the pulley grooves are free of dirt and debris.
    5. Inspect the V-belt for signs of wear or damage.
    6. Do not over-tighten the V-belt, as this can cause excessive stress on the belt.
    7. Replace the V-belt if it shows signs of excessive wear or damage.

Ordering Products

    Brookaire specializes in the manufacture and supply of custom-sized air filters, within as little as 48 hours. You can request a custom filter on our website, telephonically or via email and we'll send you a quote. Learn more about our Custom Air Filters.

    Brookaire delivers throughout the Northeast and beyond. Our delivery zones include New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington D.C., Minneapolis and Boston, with more areas coming soon! Find out more about our Job Site Deliveries.

    Yes, you can order in bulk with Brookaire! Simply enter the quantity you need for each product on the related product pages. You can also perform repeat and batch orders via our login portal on the website.

    Yes, many of our customers opt for repeat orders. You can place these directly with our sales team or manage them yourself via the login portal on the website.

    Delivery times vary depending on your location, but Brookaire has a range of options to suit your needs including same day, next day, weekend and after hours. See our shipping zones.