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  • A Guide to HEPA Filters


Brookaire Company


07/31/2020 10:11 am


Air Filters

Air pollution isn’t just car exhaust or factory smoke. Dust mites, mold spores, pollen, and pet dander in the air inside your home can cause problems if your family has allergies or asthma. Using HEPA filters can trap these pollutants and may help bring allergy relief. HEPA Filters can remove/ block at least 99.97% of particles from the air down to 0.3 microns in size. For every 10,000 particles that come into contact with a HEPA filter, only 3 very small ones will be able to pass through it.

Why choose HEPA filter?

HEPA Filters have been tested and approved against a standard. This means that the capability and reliability of the filter to remove even the tiniest airborne particles is guaranteed.

Now that we spend more time indoors, having an effective air filtration system is more important than ever. Indoor air may contain many different irritants and pollutants. A correctly chosen HEPA filter can ensure these pollutants are removed efficiently, improving the quality of air you breathe.

HEPA filters are made of thin fibers of glass and contain a small level of activated carbon material. The fibers form a thick paper-like material that is pleated.

3 ways HEPA filters trap contaminants:

  •          Particles come into contact with the filter material and stick
  •          Particles that come within one diameter of the filter’s fiber are drawn back to the fiber and stick
  •          Particles collide with other stuck molecules and also get caught in the fiber

Using a HEPA filter in your home can remove most airborne particles that might make allergies worse.

Source: https://www.webmd.com/allergies/hepa-filters-for-allergies